Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hair Drug Test: Top 10 Ways to (Try) to Get out of One Pt.1

1. Mohawk. You may be able to scare people away, but probably not the person drug testing you. Plus, that hair can still be cut and submitted if it's at least half an inch long.

2. Shaving your whole body. This is a popular one. Well...if you really want to go to the effort to shave all the hair off your body AND your head, you can go ahead. You will indeed be unable to participate in a hair drug test. However...what does shaving your entire head and body say about you?

3. Literally running away. First of all, running with scissors is dangerous enough as it is, but being run after with scissors...now talk about dangerous. So far it's hard to find an escape route that does not actually scream "I'M GUILTY!!!"

4. Dying hair. This one at least sounds like it could actually work. Unfortunately, it doesn't show a lot of knowledge about how hair follicle drug tests work. These tests test for what's inside the hair - so you can dye the outside blue, and it still won't make your results change.

Tomorrow a continuation of the theme...just going to show basically that hair drug testing is really, really hard to cheat!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hair Drug Tests - What Makes Them Great

Flip through your calender.

January, December, November, October.

October seems like a long time ago doesn't it...well guess what! With a hair drug test you can actually learn the type of drugs that were used by someone...all the way back in October!

You may think this is kind of crazy, but it's true. Hair drug tests are increasingly popular and there is more than one brand out there. You can even compare them by looking at a hair drug test comparison chart!

For a worried parent or somebody trying to set someone's life back on track, a hair drug test is a great way to monitor recovery.